Jesus a Pharisee and a Samaritan – The Call to New Life – 1 of 3

Episode 117

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The Call to New Life Part 1 of 3 ~ Today, we look at two powerful encounters that Jesus had during His earthly ministry—one with a Pharisee named Nicodemus, and the other with a Samaritan woman at a well. Both encounters show us that Jesus reaches beyond social, cultural, and religious barriers to offer something far greater than anyone could imagine: new life through Him.

In John 3 and 4, we see two very different people come face to face with the same Jesus. Nicodemus, a respected teacher of the law, and the Samaritan woman, a social outcast, represent two extremes. Yet Jesus approaches both with the same message: “You must be born again.”

As we reflect on these passages, I want to challenge you to see yourself in these encounters. Are you like Nicodemus, well-versed in religion but still missing the heart of the Gospel? Or are you like the Samaritan woman, longing for something real amidst the brokenness of your life? Either way, Jesus is calling you to new life today. The Gospel Trail is before you—will you take the first step?

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