Testify and Proclaim 3 of 3

Episode 90

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Join us as Pastor Sandy, Rev. Kev and Brother Don share from the first letter of John, Worship with Liz and musicians and guests. Together we beautifully describes the firsthand experience of encountering Jesus Christ. Here is a rephrased version of this powerful testimony:

“We have seen him with our very own eyes, gazed upon him, and heard him speak. Our hands touched the Living Expression of God, the one who existed from the beginning. The Life-Giver, made visible to us, lived face-to-face with the Father, and now has dawned upon us.
We testify to this truth, so that we may share and enjoy this life together. Our fellowship is truly with the Father
and with his Son, Jesus, the Anointed One. We write these things to you because we want to share our fullness of joy with you.”

This passage captures the essence of the disciples’ profound experience with Jesus and their earnest desire to share the joy and life they found in Him with others. It reminds us of the intimate relationship we can have with God through Jesus Christ and the abundant life He offers to all who believe in Him. #Prayerline 218.461.0164

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