The Call to New Life Part 1 of 3 ~ Today, we look at two powerful encounters that Jesus had during His earthly ministry—one with a Pharisee named Nicodemus, and the other with a Samaritan woman at a well. Both encounters show us that Jesus reachesJOY
Welcome to The Gospel Trail – a podcast where we journey together through the transformative power of faith and scripture. This week, we’re diving into an inspiring episode titled “Jesus Calls His Disciples – A Call to Follow.”We’ll explore profoundJOY
Jesus Begins His Public Ministry – A Call to Follow the Savior Today, we are looking at the powerful moment when Jesus steps out of the wilderness and begins His public ministry. This is a significant turning point not only in the life ofJOY
Today we are diving into a powerful and significant moment in the life of Jesus—His baptism by John the Baptist. This is not just a symbolic act; it is a profound event that marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and calls each of us toJOY
“Unity in Action,” drawing profound insights from Ephesians 4. Discover the transformative power of unity as described by Paul, who calls us to live in harmony, bearing with one another in love, and striving to maintain the unity of theJOY
The next day, Jesus walked right past where John and two of his disciples were standing. John, gazing upon Jesus, pointed to him and prophesied, “Look! There’s God’s sacrificial Lamb!” And as soon as John’s two disciples heard this, they immediatelyJOY