Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 4:17 (TPT) “But I’m not married,” the woman answered. “That’s true,” Jesus said,
#TheGospelTrail #DailyBibleLesson #ChurchOnline #Discipleship
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 4:17 (TPT) “But I’m not married,” the woman answered. “That’s true,” Jesus said,
#TheGospelTrail #DailyBibleLesson #ChurchOnline #Discipleship
Take this Bible Marriage Inventory with a Pastor or Christian Counselor. This podcast is called Proverbs 31 Marriage Inventory. May God. . .
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson Matthew 28:18-20 (TPT) Then Jesus came close to them and said, “All authority of the universe has. . .
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson The Road to Emmaus Luke 24:35 (TPT) Then the two disciples told the others what had happened to them. . .
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 21:24 (TPT) I, John, am that disciple who has written these things to testify of the truth, and. . .
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 21:15 TPT After they had breakfast, Jesus said to Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you burn with. . .
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 21:8 TPT The other disciples then brought the boat to shore, dragging their catch of fish. They. . .
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 21:1 (TPT) Later, Jesus appeared once again to a group of his disciples by Lake Galilee. . .
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 20 Appendage Women were the first to see Jesus #TheGospelTrail #DailyBibleLesson. . .
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 20:25 (TPT) So the disciples informed him, “We have seen the Lord with our own eyes!” Still. . .