
Shut the Door on Satan!

Shut the Door on Satan! “For every 60 seconds spent in anger, a full minute of joy slips away. Remember, the joy of the Lord is our strength, but we must spend time at His river to be renewed.”  -Pastor Kevin Psalm 15 Lord, who may abideJOY

Testify and Proclaim 3 of 3

Join us as Pastor Sandy, Rev. Kev and Brother Don share from the first letter of John, Worship with Liz and musicians and guests. Together we beautifully describes the firsthand experience of encountering Jesus Christ. Here is a rephrased version ofJOY

The Weight of Joy

The Weight of Joy

The Weight of Joy. Peter and our podcast hosts encourage you to keep the faith and what that means in our lives today. The Gospel Trail hosts: Rev. Kevin, Pastor Sandy, Brother Don & Minister of Music Liz #Prayerline 218.461.0164 #TheGospelTrailJOY

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