“Unity in Action,” drawing profound insights from Ephesians 4. Discover the transformative power of unity as described by PaulJOY
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Beloved, today we gather to delve into a profound truth about the battle we face every day. The imagery I want to bring before you is thatJOY
Good evening, brothers and sisters! Tonight, I want to introduce you to Jesus through the powerful words of Psalm 18. This psalm, writtenJOY
Dear friends, have you ever considered the profound impact of seeing the world through the lens of Christ? Today, we embark on a journey toJOY
One of our listeners ask the question; “What is Antisemitism”? Join us in the PGN Briefing Room for the answer. Pure GospelJOY
Join us as Pastor Sandy, Rev. Kev and Brother Don share from the first letter of John, Worship with Liz and musicians and guests. TogetherJOY
“Care Deeply” by Brother Don – A look at the church today. This message arrives at a pivotal moment for “TheJOY
Pastor Sandy and Rev. Kev get together to fellowship (talk about Jesus). Jesus suggested reading 1st Peter, who wrote us a prescriptionJOY
The 10 Boundaries will help you understand God’s Family. Setting Boundaries for a Stronger Faith, Building a Healthy SpiritualJOY
Pastor Sandy returns from Mexico and talks about the family of God. #TheGospelTrail #Podcast #BrotherDonsDailyBible #DiscipleshipJOY
“Broken Anxious & Desperate” is taken from The Holy Bibles book of John 1 1-5 The Gospel Trail hosts: Rev. Kevin, PastorJOY
“This is The Way” is taken from The Holy Bibles book of Peter chapter two verses four through twelve. The Gospel Trail hosts:JOY