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Listeners Comments:
WanDave – I enJOYed it! What a lovely trio harmonizing so beautiful this style of podcasting! May God be praised as you each continue to use your God-given talents!.
Lisa – I have greatly enjoyed listening to the podcasts you are speaking on at the PGN site. Such clean and refreshing and restful back-to-basics that brought solid reminders of just how solid a foundation we have to stand on in Christ Jesus. It’s all really ministered to me. Thanks for following the steps He led you to take to share what’s in your heart to what I trust is an ever growing audience. Here’s to many souls being saved and encouraged and transformed by the holiness you’ve preached. You’re forever in my heart and prayers.
Don – You are a man after God’s own heart. The thousands of us who listen to your podcast every week eagerly anticipate every Bible lesson. I am proud to consider you my pastor.