Backwards Through The Bible with Brother Don is a daily devotion to brighten up your day. Then in a vision I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The first heaven and earth had passed away, and the sea no longer existed. Revelation 21:1 TPTJOY
Consider God’s Glory. The Gospel Trail Hosts found there is a divine mystery a secret surprise that has been concealed from the world for generations, but now it’s being revealed, unfolded and manifested for every holy believer to experienceJOY
Brother Don and Pastor Kevin discuss what Heaven looks like. We recorded and named the podcast Consider the Heavens in the afternoon and that evening The Bill Berguson Band played an instrumental called Consider the Heavens for us. God is Good! AllJOY
James tells us, “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into theJOY
Backwards Through The Bible with Brother Don is a daily devotion to brighten up your day. Then I saw a great, dazzling-white throne and the One who sits on it. Heaven and earth fled from his presence and they were no more. Revelation 20:11 TPTJOY
Backwards Through The Bible with Brother Don is a daily devotion to brighten up your day. Then I saw a mighty angel descending from the heavenly realm, holding a heavy chain and a key the key of the deep. Revelation 20:1 TPT #TheGospelTrailJOY
I am dead with Christ to sin. Jesus’ burial buried my old selfish life. I am alive with Christ Jesus’ new life flows through me now. I am raised with Christ to a new life. Jesus’ resurrection raised me to a new relationship withJOY
Backwards Through The Bible with Brother Don is a daily devotion to brighten up your day. Following him on white horses were the armies of heaven, wearing white fine linen, pure and bright. Revelation 19:14 TPT #TheGospelTrailJOY
Backwards Through The Bible with Brother Don is a daily devotion to brighten up your day. After this I heard what seemed to be the roar of a great multitude of voices, saying: “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power to our God! Revelation 19:1JOY
Backwards Through The Bible with Brother Don is a daily devotion to brighten up your day. Then I heard another voice from heaven saying: “My people, come out from her so that you don’t participate in her sins and have no share with her in herJOY
Letters on Discipleship No. 2 How did I get here? Because His delight is in me. We are discussing Direct Contact Discipleship Centers. We found the answer in this passage. His love broke open the way, and he brought me into a beautiful, broad placeJOY
Backwards Through The Bible with Brother Don is a daily devotion to brighten up your day. When I saw him, I fell down at his feet as good as dead, but he laid his right hand on me and I heard his reassuring voice saying: Don’t yield to fear. I amJOY