Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 18:28 TPT Pilate Questions Jesus’ Arrest Before dawn they took Jesus from his trial before Caiaphas to the Roman governor’s palace. Now the Jews refused to go into the Roman governor’s residence to avoidJOY
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 18:16 TPT Peter was left standing outside by the gate. Then the other disciple came back out to the servant girl who was guarding the gate and convinced her to allow Peter inside. 17As he passed insideJOY
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 18:6 TPT And the moment Jesus spoke the words, “I am he,” the mob fell backward to the ground! #TheGospelTrail #DailyBibleLesson #KeepTheFireBurning #ChurchOnline #Discipleship #BriefingRoom #NowPlayingJOY
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 18:3 TPT The Pharisees and the leading priests had given Judas a large detachment of Roman soldiers and temple police to seize Jesus. Judas guided them to the garden, all of them carrying torches andJOY
The wise man’s eyes are in his head, But the fool walks in darkness. Yet I myself perceived That the same event happens to them all. Ecclesiastes 2:14 #TheGospelTrail #DailyBibleLesson #KeepTheFireBurning #ChurchOnline #Discipleship #BriefingRoomJOY
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 18:1 TPT After Jesus finished this prayer; he left with his disciples and went across the Kidron Valley to a place where there was a garden. #TheGospelTrail #DailyBibleLesson #KeepTheFireBurningJOY
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 17:23 TPT You live fully in me and now I live fully in them so that they will experience perfect unity, and the world will be convinced that you have sent me, for they will see that you love each one ofJOY
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 17:20 TPT “And I ask not only for these disciples, but also for all those who will one day believe in me through their message. #TheGospelTrail #DailyBibleLesson #KeepTheFireBurning #ChurchOnlineJOY
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 17:12 TPT While I was with these that you have given me, I was guarding them and keeping them in your name. Not one of them is lost, except the one that was destined to be lost, so that the Scripture wouldJOY
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 17:6 TPT “Father, I have manifested who you really are and I have revealed you to the men and women that you gave to me. They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have fastened your Word firmly toJOY
Brother Don’s Daily Bible Lesson John 17:2 TPT You have already given me authority over all people so that I may give the gift of eternal life to all those that you have given to me. #TheGospelTrail #DailyBibleLesson #KeepTheFireBurningJOY
“So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18 NLT
#TheGospelTrail #KeepTheFireBurning #DailyBibleLesson