This podcast born out of 35+ years in His Service is designed to uplift and strengthen God’s ministers who often feel overwhelmed by the pressures of religious systems. In Matthew 23:37-39, Jesus laments over Jerusalem, expressing His deep desire to. . .
Are you tired of being weighed down by worries over things you can’t control? It’s time to shift the conversation! Worry is a dialogue you have with yourself about what you can’t change. But prayer? That’s a powerful. . .
This message emphasizes the importance of a genuine commitment to Jesus, not just a superficial belief. The altar call invites people to take a step of faith and commit their lives to Christ, offering a clear opportunity for response. #PrayerLine. . .
Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, Acts 4:29-31 #discipleshipcenters #thegospeltrail
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